Tuesday 23 September 2008

Number 9 - Go to the moon

Obviously you cant literally go to the moon in you ICT lesson, unless you ICT teacher happens to be Richard Branson. Duh.

But you can check out the moons surface just like you can with Earth on Google Earth.

Go to http://google.com/moon and go for a spacewalk.
And I don't want any comments about how this sucks, I've got 101 of these to blag my way through so dont expect them all to be sheer genius!

Friday 12 September 2008

Number 8 - Play the "Stand up when your teacher isn't looking game"

Okay I'm assuming that as you've managed to start up your computer, open your browser and find this site then you can probably figure out what this game involves.
But just incase you sat at the keyboard mashing the keys like Peter Griffin on ecstacy and found yourself here by complete chance I'll explain the "Stand up when your teacher isn't looking game".

Basically when your teacher is talking to the class at the front of the room, everytime he (or she) turns around with his (or her, (stupid sexual equality)) back to you, you stand up, stay standing as long as you dare and sit back down without ever letting your teacher see you.

Yes ICT lessons really can be that boring.

Number 7 - Invent a stupid game

This can literally be anything that stops you getting on with that ever increasing stack of work.

One I played last year was the "wikipedia game", now I'm not claiming to have invented this game (but if no one else does its mine!) but I'm just posting it to give you the general idea.

So the object of the game is to get from one randomly picked wikipedia page to another pre-picked random wikipedia page the quickest using only the links on the page.

So for example you start by saying, "We'll start at Vinegar and we have to get to Boeing 747"
So everyone playing gets to Wiki's page on Vinegar and starts at the same time trying to get to Boeing 747 using only the links on the page.

This game only works if you pick completely random and unrelated words.

Give this game a try (if your truely THAT bored) or make your own. Or you coul always do some work of course.

Number 6 - Make an avatar

Heres a clever little site that lets you make a portrait of yourself or someone else (again don't blame me if your teacher catches you doing that to a picture of them!) by changes various parts of the face and head, such as mouth, eyes nose etc.

You can then use it as you DP for MSN or a forum or something or just print it off 1000000 times, use up all the schools ink and paper and just generally show off your superiority.

Number 5 - Make your own comic strip

So you can either do this using something like Paint or MS Word or something or you can use this site, http://www.stripcreator.com/make.php , to make your comic creation.
It lets you add text, differant backgrounds and characters etc.

Now I'm in no way suggesting you go ahead and make a comic featuring you ICT teacher in compremising situations, but if that floats you boat so be it.

Number 4 - Take an IQ test

Okay so this one might sound a bit odd but its not actually as boring as the ICT work your supposed to be doing, Trust me!

There are lots of sites offering free IQ tests, you can either Google one or use http://www.iqtest.com/prep.html.

These usually invole some worded questions and some involving pictures etc.
Get your mates to do it with you and rub their dumb noses in it when you wipe the floor with them and emerge victorious!! Mwuahahaha............. *coughs*

Number 3 - Create A Chain Email

So yeah, whats more fun to do in a tedious ICT lesson than create a random, annoying and downright pointless chain email and then send it to every poor soul in the room, or even everyone you can be bothered to add?

With this one basically just go mad, do whatever comes in to your head first. They can be as convincing or as ridiculous as you please. From church of Scientology christmas cards to Osama Bin Ladens shopping list.

Number 2 - Play Games

I know what your thinking, "Play games!? Like I really needed your guide to tell me that!"
Well No, I'm sure you dont but I'm not talking simply about online flash games, pacman and stickman sam and the likes, I mean things like Sim City or Halo or something like that.

Now for this to work you need 2 things :
  • A decent capacity memory stick/pen drive
  • The install files to a game that has low system requirements
Basically all you have to do is install the game as you normally would but change the destination drive to you pen drive instead of your computers internal HDD. Then when you stick you drive in at school and click the .exe to open the game up you'll be entertained good and proper in your ICT lesson.

Number 1 - Watch Videos Online

Okay so there are loads of sites where you can watch videos online, Youtube, Google Videos etc

But theres one main problem.


School computers have no speakers, no speakers = no sound.

Theres two possible ways around this problem:

1.) Ask your teacher for head phones so that you can listen to the "Audio Content" on the website that is used for your course. This way is harder as you have to seem genuine in your request to listen to the mindless crap thats on the ICT course sites, otherwise its going to be pretty obvious your just trying to bunk off!

2.) Simply find the video you want to watch and stick a pair of iPod headphones into the computer and your good to go.